Daily Program
High throughput contactless volume verification for high-density microtiter plates and micro arrays
Topic: Laboratory Technology, Infrastructure, Automation
Michael Klinger
Fraunhofer IPA
LabUSER Dialogue: Bringing Users and Suppliers Together
Hall 20, Stand D85
Digital inventory management and stock control - how software makes work in the lab easier!
Topic: Smart Lab
Uwe Wellmann
DÜPERTHAL Sicherheitstechnik GmbH & Co. KG
LabUSER Dialogue: Bringing Users and Suppliers Together
Hall 20, Stand D85
LabVantages intelligent AI-powered lab software platform for the digital and sustainable lab
Topic: Analytics
Dr. Jens Niklas
LIMS & Software Area
Hall 20, Stand C53
smartLAB Live Show: Presentation of all 4 use cases
Topic: Smart Lab
Dr. Felix Lenk
SmartLab Solutions GmbH
smartLAB - Developing ideas for the future!
Hall 20, Stand C40
Welcome & Introduction Genome Editing
Topic: Emerging Technologies
Prof. Dr. Klaus-Dieter Jany
Wissenschaftskreis Genomik und Gentechnik e.V. (WGG)
Genome Editing
Hall 20, Stand D18, INDUSTRY FORUM
Forests as CO2 sinks and sustainable securing of the wood supply
Topic: Emerging Technologies
PD Dr. Matthias Fladung
Thünen Institut für Forstgenetik
Genome Editing
Hall 20, Stand D18, INDUSTRY FORUM
Digitalization of complete evaluation methods in routine analysis of optical spectroscopic data
Topic: Computer Science, Digitization, Big Data
Klaus Schuermann
LabCognition, Analytical Software GmbH & Co. KG
LabUSER Dialogue: Bringing Users and Suppliers Together
Hall 20, Stand D85
Implementation of an open source&standard automation environment for a robot platform
Topic: Analytics
Konrad M. Wagner
LDB Labordatenbank GmbH
LIMS & Software Area
Hall 20, Stand C53
Sustainable crop protection of the future: reduction through innovation
Topic: Emerging Technologies
Prof Dr. Gabriele Krczal
RLP Agroscience GmbH
Genome Editing
Hall 20, Stand D18, INDUSTRY FORUM
Flexible automation solutions for the laboratory of the future
Topic: Smart Lab + more
Dr. Thorsten Teutenberg
Institut für Umwelt & Energie e. V. (IUTA)
smartLAB - Developing ideas for the future!
Hall 20, Stand C40
lisa.lims Connect 2.0: The future of device connectivity
Topic: Analytics
Claus Köller
t&p Triestram & Partner GmbH
LIMS & Software Area
Hall 20, Stand C53
The Regulatory Debate on New Genomic Techniques (NGT) in the EU — Current Status and Outlook
Topic: Emerging Technologies
Prof. Dr. Klaus-Dieter Jany
Wissenschaftskreis Genomik und Gentechnik e.V. (WGG)
Genome Editing
Hall 20, Stand D18, INDUSTRY FORUM
(Bio-)Process Analytical Technologies and Automation in Academia and Industry
Topic: Applications & Research in Biotechnology
Dr.-Ing. Anika Bockisch
Bio-PAT e.V. c/o TU Berlin
LabUSER Dialogue: Bringing Users and Suppliers Together
Hall 20, Stand D85
Questions & Discussion
Topic: Applications & Research in Biotechnology
Genome Editing
Hall 20, Stand D18, INDUSTRY FORUM
Limitless Customization in an Open Ecosystem: How to Future-Proof Your Digital Lab.
Topic: Analytics
Gabriela Sánchez
LIMS & Software Area
Hall 20, Stand C53
NEW/qTOWERiris - erweitert Ihren Horizont im Bereich der Single- bis Multiplex-qPCR-Anwendungen
Topic: Research Institutes, Universities & Technical Colleges
Ines Leonhardt
Analytik Jena GmbH
LabUSER Dialogue: Bringing Users and Suppliers Together
Hall 20, Stand D85
Sample Management - far beyond freezer storage
Topic: Smart Lab + more
Jan-Hendrik Bebermeier
Eppendorf SE
smartLAB - Developing ideas for the future!
Hall 20, Stand C40
Resource planning in the Lab
Topic: Computer Science, Digitization, Big Data
Hendrik Attema
iVention BV
LabUSER Dialogue: Bringing Users and Suppliers Together
Hall 20, Stand D85
Topic: Applications & Research in Biotechnology
Dr. Erhard Fernholz
Telexos GmbH
Liquid Biopsy
Hall 20, Stand D18, INDUSTRY FORUM
The value of multimodal approaches in liquid biopsy analysis.
Topic: Applications & Research in Biotechnology + more
Dr. Constanze Kindler
Liquid Biopsy
Hall 20, Stand D18, INDUSTRY FORUM
Increasing efficiency, improving occupational safety through optimized workplace organization
Topic: Laboratory Technology, Infrastructure, Automation
Mario Schneider
Better Basics Laborbedarf
LabUSER Dialogue: Bringing Users and Suppliers Together
Hall 20, Stand D85
The importance of reference material in the molecular diagnostics of liquid Biopsy Samples
Topic: Applications & Research in Biotechnology + more
Dr. Jens Beator
SensID GmbH
Liquid Biopsy
Hall 20, Stand D18, INDUSTRY FORUM
ctDNA analysis opens a new era for therapy management of cancer patients
Topic: Applications & Research in Biotechnology + more
Ann-Christin Lüdiger
Sysmex Deutschland GmbH
Liquid Biopsy
Hall 20, Stand D18, INDUSTRY FORUM
smartLAB Live Show: Presentation of all 4 use cases
Topic: Analytics
Dr. Felix Lenk
SmartLab Solutions GmbH
smartLAB - Developing ideas for the future!
Hall 20, Stand C40
On the potential of circulating tumor cells (CTCs) for personalized cancer diagnostics
Topic: Applications & Research in Biotechnology
Dr. Erhard Fernholz
Telexos GmbH
Liquid Biopsy
Hall 20, Stand D18, INDUSTRY FORUM
Highest Performance and Greatest Benefit for the Patient: NGS Liquid Biopsy Assays
Topic: Analytics
Dr. Ariane Hallermayr
Medizinisch Genetisches Zentrum
Liquid Biopsy
Hall 20, Stand D18, INDUSTRY FORUM
Can liquid biopsy improve personalized cancer care?
Topic: Research Institutes, Universities & Technical Colleges
Dr. Constanze Kindler
Liquid Biopsy
Hall 20, Stand D18, INDUSTRY FORUM
Topic: Specialist Services
Axel Haschkamp
HP Labortechnik GmbH
LabUSER Dialogue: Bringing Users and Suppliers Together
Hall 20, Stand D85
Digital warehouse management and inventory control - how software makes laboratory work easier
Topic: Analytics
Benjamin Sauer
DÜPERTHAL Sicherheitstechnik GmbH & Co. KG
LIMS & Software Area
Hall 20, Stand C53
The KIWI-biolab: challenges and opportunities of lab automation for biopharmaceutical development
Topic: Analytics
Marie-Therese Schermeyer
KIWI-biolab, TU Berlin
smartLAB - Developing ideas for the future!
Hall 20, Stand C40
From LEAF User to LEAF Coordinator: A Journey in Sustainable Research
Topic: Sustainability
PhD Valeria Scagliotti
LAB Sustainability Summit
Kinetic binding analysis and quantification of large molecular complexes in crude samples.
Topic: Applications & Research in Biotechnology
Kris Ver Donck
LabUSER Dialogue: Bringing Users and Suppliers Together
Hall 20, Stand D85
LARAsuite in the KIWI-biolabs - a semantic and FAIR open-source Data Infrastructure
Topic: Computer Science, Digitization, Big Data
Dr. Mark Dörr
KIWI-biolab, TU Berlin
smartLAB - Developing ideas for the future!
Hall 20, Stand C40
Low-threshold diagnostics with Probatix - advantages and implementation
Topic: Analytics
Daniel Werner
LIMS & Software Area
Hall 20, Stand C53
Flexible LIMS implementation: The art of keeping all user groups in view
Topic: Analytics
Hendrik Attema
iVention BV
LIMS & Software Area
Hall 20, Stand C53
Implementation of an open source&standard automation environment for a robot platform
Topic: Analytics
Stefan Maak
Uni Greifswald
smartLAB - Developing ideas for the future!
Hall 20, Stand C40
Make it easy and give me values I can trust
Topic: Applications & Processes in Chemistry, Pharma, Food
Bo Ottersten
LabUSER Dialogue: Bringing Users and Suppliers Together
Hall 20, Stand D85
The Future of Plastics in the Lab: Biobased materials
Topic: Sustainability
Jan-Hendrik Bebermeier
Eppendorf SE
LAB Sustainability Summit
Sustainable fume cupboard technology: Secuflow Vision Best Practice
Topic: Smart Lab
Ruediger Leesten
Waldner Laboreinrichtungen
LAB Sustainability Summit
Across scales: An integrated robotic cultivation platform
Topic: Analytics
Lucas Kaspersetz
KIWI-biolab, TU Berlin
smartLAB - Developing ideas for the future!
Hall 20, Stand C40
Really Smart Experimentation with Workflow-Optimized Design of Experiments
Topic: Computer Science, Digitization, Big Data
Dr. Philippe Solot
AICOS Technologies AG
LabUSER Dialogue: Bringing Users and Suppliers Together
Hall 20, Stand D85
Why every testing lab needs a data platform
Topic: Computer Science, Digitization, Big Data
Charles Jouanique
LabV Intelligent Solutions GmbH
LIMS & Software Area
Hall 20, Stand C53
LADS takes off
Topic: Smart Lab
Mathis Kuchejda
Spectaris e.V.
smartLAB - Developing ideas for the future!
Hall 20, Stand C40
Mass photometry — an analytical technology for biomolecular characterization
Topic: Emerging Technologies
Jan Schäferkordt
Refeyn GmbH
LabUSER Dialogue: Bringing Users and Suppliers Together
Hall 20, Stand D85
Reduce the CO2-footprint and save costs in chemical laboratories.
Topic: Sustainability + more
Manfred Lorenz
nevoLAB GmbH
LAB Sustainability Summit
SPECTARIS Introduction OPC UA & Reception
Topic: Applications & Research in Biotechnology
Hall 20, Stand C40
With miniaturisation and digitalisation to sustainability
Topic: Sustainability + more
Dr. Thorsten Teutenberg
Institut für Umwelt & Energie e. V. (IUTA)
LAB Sustainability Summit
Automation in the Laboratory - Festo LifeTech Partnership Concept
Topic: Laboratory Technology, Infrastructure, Automation
Jürgen Böck
Festo SE & Co. KG
LabUSER Dialogue: Bringing Users and Suppliers Together
Hall 20, Stand D85
3D-Vision as key to flexible, robotic based lab automation
Topic: Laboratory Technology, Infrastructure, Automation
Rainer Treptow
bAhead GmbH
LabUSER Dialogue: Bringing Users and Suppliers Together
Hall 20, Stand D85
LABVOLUTION AWARD ceremony followed by an After Work Party / Halle 19, five continents
Topic: Laboratory Technology, Infrastructure, Automation + more
Hall 19
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